Monday, June 21, 2010

7 Ways To Stop Smoking Quick!

By Marco Winter

You find it hard to quit smoking... Quitting in ignorance and darkness, can be frightening. But when combined with education, skills development and ongoing support, everyone can be successful.

If you follow all these tips, I guarantee you will find your battle for stop smoking much easier. Determine yourself to never forget of these 7 rules, and follow them all the time. They were taken from experts who have helped thousands of smokers and it worked for every single one of them.

Here are the 7 most important steps that will turn your life in a brand smokeless new one.

1. Get Ready.

o Set a quit date and stick to it-not even a single puff!

o Get rid of ALL cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, or workplace.

2. Get Support and Encouragement.

o Tell your family, friends, and coworkers you are quitting and ask for their support.

o Talk to your doctor or other health care provider.

o Get group or individual counseling.

3. Stay only in nonsmoking areas.

4. Reward yourself often.

5. Learn New Skills and Behaviors.

o When you first try to quit, change your routine.

o Reduce stress.

o Distract yourself from urges to smoke.

o Plan something enjoyable to do every day.

o Drink a lot of water and other fluids.

6. Be Prepared for Relapse or Difficult Situations.

o Avoid alcohol.

o Be careful around other smokers.

o Improve your mood in ways other than smoking.

o Breathe in very deeply when you feel the urge to smoke.

o Eat a healthy diet and remember to stay active.

7. Get Medication and Use It Correctly. You can click here to get a product that have helped lots of people.

Marco Winter is a seasoned doctor who has helped thousands of people quit smoking.

He owns a website called Help Me Quit Smoking, where you can find more information about a natural product called Nicocure that will help you quit smoking instantly. Visit the website right now if you need help quitting smoking:

Article Source: [] Quit Smoking Tips - The 7 Most Important

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Advice From a Stop Smoking Hypnotist - Quit Smoking and Do This Instead

And breaking out of this urge to smoke isn't as difficult as you think or people make it out to be. Believe me, this is the advice of stop smoking hypnotist. Breaking a habit and replacing that old unwanted habit takes approximately 21 days and involves creating some new healthy habits.

So the next time you feel the urge to puff on a cancer stick, try out the following things instead. You will be able to stop smoking and break a habit in 3 weeks flat!

Drink a glass of water

Instead of giving into smoking, why don't you drink a glass of water or maybe fruit juice to curb the urge?

Breathe Deeply

Whenever you feel the urge, just close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. The urge will melt away.

Send a text

Next time you extend your hands towards the nicotine stick, swerve your hands towards your mobile phone and send a text message instead. It will distract your mind.

Sometimes distracting your mind with activities that take your mind off the need to puff can help break a habit. So, the next time you want to puff away, why don't you Walk around the block, Call a friend, Floss your teeth, Hug your spouse or Light a candle, Turn on the radio, Ride a bike, Hug your pet, Take a nap instead?

Chew sugarless gum

According to the stop smoking hypnotist, the urge to smoke often arises from an oral fixation - the need to feel something or taste an object with the mouth or lips - something akin to the desire felt by a baby who is continuously sucking his/her thumb or artificial toy teats or the mother's nipples.

If you can replace the cancer stick with something harmless or even beneficial, then you will be indulging in your urge for oral fixation without experiencing the fallouts of nicotine intake. You can chew on sugarless gum or better still you can chew on mint sticks or mint leaves or cloves.

There are sugarless gums available in a variety of flavors and which are shaped just like cigarettes. Not a bad idea to chew on these instead, is it?

Listen to a hypnosis CD

This is the recommendation of a stop smoking hypnotist for studies have proved that hypnosis methods can successfully make you quit smoking forever.

Chew on a toothpick

And last but not the least; you can indulge in the luxury of chewing on a toothpick to kick the habit of smoking.

Nancy Philpott R.N, Certified Hypnotist, a contributing author to the #1 Best Selling book series Wake Up...Live the Life You Love, offers individual, corporate, and group stop smoking hypnosis programs. Go Now to and receive Nancy's FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Video. Visit and get free quit smoking help today. Email: or call her at 512-921-9429

Article Source:

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