Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best Way to Quit Smoking Cigarettes - Try This Technique to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

What is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes? Well the answer is; it depends. There are many different ways to quit smoking and all of them have helped smokers to break their smoking habit. Some have been more successful than others but there is one that stands out above the others.

The most important thing to know is that if you are serious about quitting smoking you should get some kind of assistance. People who try to quit smoking "cold turkey" only have a 5% chance of succeeding. This statistic alone proves that it is best to use some kind of smoking cessation method to stop smoking.

There are many options for you to choose from to help you kick the smoking habit. Many of them work by helping you to get over the addiction to nicotine. There are nicotine replacement therapies that work by giving your body nicotine from another source than cigarettes. Examples of this include the patch or nicotine gum. Though better than going cold turkey, these do not have exceptionally high success rates.

There are also stop smoking medications like Zyban or Chantix that work by mimicking the effects nicotine has on your brain. These medications can be costly and have many negative side effects associated with them. Also, people with certain health conditions cannot take these medications.

If you want to avoid medications there are alternative therapies like acupuncture or hypnotherapy. These results of these techniques are not immediate and can take a long time to help you quit smoking.

And then there is NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. This therapy technique offers the best of both worlds. It is an all natural technique with none of the side effects of medications, it has a very high success rate (97.2% in a recent study of 5,000 smokers), and it works quickly.

NLP works kind of like hypnotherapy; it targets the subconscious and removes the emotional attachments to cigarettes that lead to cravings. That is why NLP is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes. Once these cravings are gone quitting smoking is actually very easy; the urge to smoke is just gone. Unlike hypnotherapy you do not have to see a professional to quit smoking with NLP. You can practice NLP techniques at home through the use of an audio recording.

On average it takes a smoker four attempts to quit smoking. Why not quit on your first attempt or make your next attempt your last. NLP is simply the best way to quit smoking cigarettes.

Learn more about NLP and how you can get an NLP recording that can have you smoke free after your first listen at

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